studio J/P Robbins: Projects. dedicated photography/video initiatives stRuctured around the belief that together we can project the change we want to see in the world. an ongoing practice around a humanizing perspective in representation. active since 2008. first project initiated in 1999 -

UPDATE: August 14, 2023 - Sweeping Constitutional Win for Held v. State of Montana Youth Plaintiffs


Featured: Levi, Juliana Youth plaintiff (left) In 2015, twenty-one youth plaintiffs sued the U.S. government for their right to a life-sustaining environment. In 2019, they came together again for the conference “Changing Tactics in the Face of Climate Emergency,” along with, the Sunrise Movement, Climate Psychology Alliance, and Our Children’s Trust founder Julia Olson.

Studio J/P Robbins: Projects is dedicated to photography initiatives and campaigns designed in collaboration with established humanitarian and environmental organizations With the Intention to contribute tangible change.